Hi Guys,
So for the past 4 weeks I have been working my butt off in the gym. On week 1 I couldn't even lift a 6kg dumbbell now I am lifting 12kgs, 14kgs all the way up to 20kgs!!!! Mad :O I am doing alot of weight work like with doing squats I do them with the bar across my back with weights going from 20kg all the way up to and I'm very proud to say a heavy 75kgs! I was always the person who said "I can't do that" or "I can't lift that, that's to heavy"... and now I'm lifting weights that I wouldn't even have looked at in the beginning.
At the start of the 4 weeks I got my body fat taken and my weight but at home I took my inches too. This has been the hardest 4 weeks of my life. The pain, bruises, cuts and aches every day mad me want to quit! But... I didn't! I knew that if I didn't get my act together for once and finally lose weight and be happy that I never would. I have pushed myself to my limits to that brick wall we all hit and I have knocked it down and pushed right trough! I really am very proud of myself for once and for all doing something about my weight. I'm sick of saying I'm going to do something and not do it!
I workout for an hour a day 4 times a week. In that 1 hour I get a hell of alot done from abs to Trx and everything in between. The diet part is hard I won't lie I have cheated on it once or twice but mainly sticking to it. I do have before and after photos that I will be sharing but that's not for an other 4 weeks till I finally get to my target as I am nearly half way there already :) I wish you all nothing but success with your dreams and goals whether they be weight loss, gaining weight, finding your dream job or doing exams we can all get the results we want if we have the right mind set, keep pushing yourself the strength is in there somewhere just waiting to get out :)
Starting Measurement's:
Body Fat: 28.4% NOW 22.2%
Weight: 12st 7lb NOW 11st 11lb
My Inches:
Bum- 45 NOW 43
Tummy- 42 NOW 31
Arms- 16 NOW 12
Legs- 26 NOW 23
Waist- 33 NOW 32
So in 4 weeks I have lost 21inches, 10pound and about 6% body fat, great results for me I'm chuffed with them and I cant wait for the next 4 weeks to see what my final results will be. At last I will finally be able to go summer shopping with out cry because nothing fits me:) No more covering up time to start showing off some skin ( not alot lol )
This is the most amazing weight loss I have ever had and Ill be looking forward to losing more :)
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