Friday, 27 September 2013

Hair Donation Update| Hair Loss

Hi Guys, 

Over the past few months as you know I have been worried about my hair falling out but over the past week or so I have noticed two thinning patches of hair, a considerable amount of hair in the drain and plaits are even thinner. 

I went to the doctors this morning over my concerns. I need to go back next week and get a blood test to check thyroids, to see if I'm anemic and my iron levels. I was out on iron tablets for a month to see how they go and my lively doctor told me some things that may help.

1, Use baby shampoo as its very gentle on the hair. 

2, Use a wide tooth comb and try not to pull or stress the hair. 

3, Don't colour my hair 

4, Don't tie it up to tight and leave it down or lose as much as I can.

And 5 the one I hate the most!! 

5, Cut of a lot of my hair!! Heavy hair will pull at the roots. 

I am heart broken at the thought of spending two years growing my hair for such a great cause only to have to cut if all off and trow it away!! I really just can't do it, I know deep down that it is the best thing for my hair health but I just can't. 

I know I should cut it all up, use baby shampoo, wide tooth comb, take iron tablets and not stress and it will probably start to grow back on a few months but there's just that little voice saying " no you've come this far, you don't have far to go, don't do it!" 

I got blood tests done to see if it was caused by problems over my liver, kidneys, blood & to see if I was anemic. All my bloods came back okay no problems with anything just my iron levels where a bit low, at the end of the phone call my doctor said " honey, I think it's time you cut it" :( 

So last night I made the hard decision to cut my hair!:( I'm not going to cut it up super short I'm going to get at least 5-7inchs taken off it. I'm probably going to cry gettin it cut but I'd rather give thick healthy hair to a great cause and have healthy hair on my head to. So next year I will either spend a lot more time and effort in taking care of my hair or I will do something else for charity. 



Saturday, 21 September 2013

Instagram Photos #2

Hi Guys,

Here are some photos from my Instagram I wanted to share with you all:) 

Cool street lights holding hands 

Dublin Flight Fest

Cheese Cake from family BBQ 

Dublin Fashion Festival  

Dublin's First Pop Up Park