Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Hair Donation|| Update Hair Loss + Hair Cut!

Hi Guys, 

So the last time I did my updated Hair Donation I told you all about how it was falling out and I was on iron tablets and how my doctor told me to cut my hair off!! I found it very hard to even consider getting it cut if it wasn't for the charity! I was really upset at the thoughts of cutting it and trowing it away after spending over 2 years growing it for a charity that I truly wanted to help just made my heart ache, but in the end after talking to family & friends and even after that it took me two weeks to finally say " okay, I need to do this and take better care of my hair and myself & I can always  do something else for the charity" it killed me knowing I was cutting it but knew it was for the best. 

Last week I went to the hair dressers and explained to her why I was cutting so much hair off, why it was so long, what I was planning on doing with it and I asked for some tips on how to take care of it. 

While she was cutting the back of my hair I was fine but as soon as she start cutting the front and I could see my lovely hair was gone I think reality hit and I realized that I had made the right choice and it was best for me but I just felt my heart beating so fast and I started to panic a bit. It's mad how attached we get to our hair lol 

I'm really happy with my hair I really love it, it looks a lot more healthier and stronger & I think it suits me more:) 

But the kicker... The biggest kick in the teeth of all time!! 

My hair wasn't even falling out!!!! It was breaking!! After it being cut my hair dresser looked at my roots and said that my hair was breaking half way up and wasn't falling out from the root, that with a bit of care, a good trim and more of a healthier diet with plenty of water my hair would have been okay:(((( 

But I'm not one to cry about it! It's done and that's it, no point in saying " Oh if she noticed it sooner or all the what if's " 
I'm going to organize something nice for charity to raise money for them, my hair my be gone but not my love for helping. 

I'm going to have more fun with my hair now and not be afraid to change it up, so get ready to see some crazyish lol hair colour :) 


This is an old pic my hair had grown a bit more probably about 2-3 more inches it was down to my hip by the time I was getting it cut.  

The new Do!! ;-) Really liking it might get an inch or 2 off it again. Feels and looks healthier. 

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